maandag 9 februari 2015

First things first


My name is Eline. As my name shows I'm Dutch. YAY.
I guess I should start with telling you why I started blogging.
There isn't much to it. As a 20 year old women I found my self thinking of picking op a blog to tell people how the daily live of a student still living at home is.

I study Financial Service Management, which means that I study the structures of banks, insurances and financial products. I hope to get a job in advising later on in live.

Along side of my study I am currently following a Cambridge course in order to get my C1 degree.
So please excuse me if there are any grammar or spelling errors. Like I said I'm not a native English speaker.

But that all aside. My interest are very diverse, ranging from food to fashion and from k-pop to complaining about my daily live.
So expect my posts to be about everything.

See you soon

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