woensdag 11 februari 2015


So today I had a two hour course about taxes. Yup that boring damn difficult stuff that everyone hates.
Why, o why would I do this to myself?
Because I need to do 20 hours of something that is in context with my study.

Today is a lazy work day. First a refresher course about how to do your taxes. Then working with my project group on writing an advise for a couple on their financial position and after that I still had a class. 
The class that I had was for my WFT which mean Wet financieel toezicht, that translates to Financial supervision law or something like that.

after that tiring day I got home and just didn't want to think about school or other responsibilities anymore.
of course that is never the best thing to do, but hey at least I got to do absolutely nothing.
For dinner I made a gigantic pan of fried rice. It was delicious! And I made it for 5 persons so I don't have to cook dinner on Thursday.

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